31 December 2017

Crucial conversations - 30 min video

This link on Youtube is to an engaging video that goes with the Crucial Conversations book that I am also reading.

Good for managers and anyone who deals with people for a living (or at home).  Some good ideas well expressed.  The video tells the story, with the book giving more analysis and a route map to improvement.

30 April 2017

Podcast: Taking Note of Radical Candor with Kim Scott - Evernote Blog

Podcast: Taking Note of Radical Candor with Kim Scott - Evernote Blog: "Taking Note of Radical Candor with Kim Scott"

Good news: this link is a summary of the main points from the podcast about feedback.

This seems a really good approach, allowing one to read the points quickly without having to spend the whole 40 minutes listening.

'via Blog this'

26 April 2017

Current Hot Topics in Management Accounting

Went to a CIMA/BPP update session presented by Richard Mallett which was sadly disappointing.

Had hoped to come back inspired with new ideas to use back at the office but only 2 'hot topics' were covered:

  1. CGMA Global Management Accounting Principles
  2. Integrated reporting
The first seemed more about categorising what a management accountant does, could do or should do in very top level terms.

Integrated reporting is becoming a Financial Reporting requirement for large organisations.  The theory is that as this embeds, what is required for year end reporting will find its way into management reporting.

Summary: some useful background thinking but not worth the 2 hours drive to be there.

09 February 2017

How to use Lucid Charts like a pro

Excellent webinar by Lucid Charts.  About an hour long but really punchy delivery so lots covered (medium to advanced level).

I use Lucid for process maps, mind maps and whiteboard style diagrams which can be live shared and downloaded as pdfs or other formats.  Looks like also excellent for importing data for self-drawing diagrams such as org charts.  Both the product (which has a free version) and the webinar are highly recommended (and easier to use than Visio).